7 LOT LAND ASSEMBLY ON KINGSWAY, EAST VANCOUVER, TOTALLING APPROX. 24,376 SF (231’Frontage x 105.70′ D) near the intersection of Kingsway & Nanaimo Street, Under the KINGSWAY REZONING AREA of the Norquay Village Neighborhood Centre Plan. ACROSS STREET IS A 21 STORY APARTMENT BUILDING and right to the east is a 12 Story Building. possibly it is the last remaining sizeable redevelopment site in the “KINGSWAY REZONING AREA”. The site is located within the “2400 TRIANGLE” which is formed by Kingsway, Nanaimo, Slocan & E 33rd Ave has been frequently identified as a ‘HEART” of the Neighbourhood Centre. Call the LA for more information. (id:26763)